An Act To Allow The Department Of Corrections To Increase Health Care Fees And Use The Proceeds From Those Fees To Offset The Costs Of Client Medical Care Support Workers (SP 30) | Marianne MOORE of Washington | This bill increases the amount the Commissioner of Corrections may charge clients of correctional and detention facilities for medical and dental fees from $5 to $25 and requires the proceeds from those fees to be used as a first priority to pay client workers who Full Summary |
Monitor | Committee Docket: Voted - Divided Report (3/12) | ||
An Act To Further Protect Victims From Contact Prohibited By Probation Conditions (HP 7) | Tavis HASENFUS of Readfield | This bill allows a court to revoke the probation of an individual who contacts a victim in violation of probation conditions not just if the contact is with a victim of the crime for which the individual is currently serving an unsuspended portion of a Full Summary |
Monitor | Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) (2/25) | ||
An Act Allowing The Department Of Corrections To Offset Some Of The Costs Of Technology Provided To Residents Of Correctional Facilities (HP 9) | Adam LEE of Auburn | This bill allows the Commissioner of Corrections to establish a fee for the use of technology by residents of correctional facilities, subject to exceptions as provided in the bill. Any technology fees collected must be deposited into the Resident Technology Fund, a nonlapsing fund established Full Summary |
Monitor | Committee Docket: Voted - OTP-AM (3/12) | ||
An Act To Establish The November General Election Day As A State Holiday (HP 17) | Jennifer POIRIER of Skowhegan | This bill designates the day of the general election, which is the day of the regular election of state and county officials occurring biennially in November, as a state holiday. | SLG |
NFNA | Committee Docket: Voted - Divided Report (3/5) | ||
An Act To Require Employers To Disclose Pay Ranges And Maintain Records Of Employees' Pay Histories (HP 18) | Amy ROEDER of Bangor | This bill requires an employer with 10 or more employees to include on a job posting a statement that lists the prospective range of pay the employer will offer to a successful applicant. The bill also requires an employer, upon request of an employee, to Full Summary |
Monitor | Committee Docket: Voted - Divided Report (3/4) | 2/24 Testimony Submitted 2/24 |
An Act To Amend The Law Governing The Accrual Of Earned Paid Leave (HP 19) | Michael LEMELIN of Chelsea | This bill amends the law governing earned paid leave to provide that an employee is entitled to earn one hour of paid leave from a single employer for every 40 hours worked, up to the accrual limit specified in the employer's policy governing paid leave Full Summary |
Monitor | 03/19/25 10:00 AM in Cross Building, Room 202 - Public Hearing |
An Act To Allow Employees To Request Flexible Work Schedules (HP 24) | Amy ROEDER of Bangor | This bill does the following. 1. It allows an employee to request in writing, including by electronic means, a flexible work schedule. 2. It requires an employer, which may be a private employer or public employer, to consider an employee's request for a flexible work Full Summary |
TBD | Committee Docket: Voted - Divided Report (3/4) | ||
An Act To Regulate Employer Surveillance To Protect Workers (HP 25) | Amy ROEDER of Bangor | This bill specifies that an employer may use employer surveillance only if the employer informs the employee before beginning employer surveillance. It prohibits an employer from using audiovisual monitoring in an employee's residence or personal vehicle or on the employee's property and provides that an Full Summary |
TBD | Committee Docket: Voted - Divided Report (3/4) | ||
An Act To Support Municipal And County Actions On Dam Ownership (HP 26) | Nina MILLIKEN of Blue Hill | This bill amends the process for Department of Environmental Protection proceedings for release of dam ownership by changing the information that must be submitted by the dam owner and changing the time frame for the required municipal public meeting. | ENR |
Monitor | |||
An Act To Support Implementation Of Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Projects (HP 27) | Anne GRAHAM of North Yarmouth | This bill requires funding appropriated in Public Law 2023, chapter 643 for certified community behavioral health clinic projects to be used to support the Medicaid services state share of funds needed for state-licensed mental health organizations to participate in the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Full Summary |
Monitor | Report READ and ACCEPTED, in concurrence.READ ONCE.Committee Amendment "A" (H-11) READ and ADOPTED, in concurrence.Under suspension of the Rules, READ A SECOND TIME and PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED BY Committee Amendment "A" (H-11), in concurrence.Ordered sent down forthwith. (3/11) | ||
An Act To Amend The Workers' Compensation Laws By Extending Indefinitely The Presumption Applying To Law Enforcement Officers, Corrections Officers, E-9-1-1 Dispatchers, Firefighters And Emergency Medical Services Persons Diagnosed With Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (HP 46) | Kristi MATHIESON of Kittery | Under current law, within the provisions governing entitlement to receive compensation and services under the Maine Workers' Compensation Act of 1992, there is a rebuttable presumption that the condition of post-traumatic stress disorder arose out of and in the course of a worker's employment if Full Summary |
Oppose | Committee Docket: Voted - OTP-AM (2/12) | ||
An Act To Facilitate The Improvement Of Credit Scores Of Residents Of Department Of Corrections Facilities (HP 62) | Daniel SAYRE of Kennebunk | This bill allows, under rules established by the Commissioner of Corrections, a juvenile or adult client of a correctional or detention facility to obtain a loan from a financial institution or credit union. The bill exempts the loan funds from being used for restitution or Full Summary |
Monitor | PASSED TO BE ENACTED. Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH. (3/11) | ||
An Act To Notify The Public Of Juveniles Who Are Wanted Persons (HP 67) | Michel LAJOIE of Lewiston | This bill allows criminal justice agencies to provide to the public certain juvenile history record information for the purpose of apprehending juveniles when either the juvenile has escaped from custody as defined by the Maine Criminal Code or a warrant of arrest has been issued Full Summary |
Monitor | |||
An Act To Require Reporting On The Expenditure Of Opioid Settlement Funds By Certain Municipalities And County Governments (HP 75) | Michael BRENNAN of Portland | This bill requires that a direct share subdivision that receives opioid settlement funds in accordance with the Maine State?Subdivision Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement Regarding Use of Settlement Funds, dated and signed on January 26, 2022, and the Maine State?Subdivision Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement Full Summary |
Oppose | 03/13/25 1:01 PM in Cross Building, Room 209 - Public Hearing |
An Act To Allow Candidates For Sheriff And District Attorney To Participate In The Maine Clean Election Act (SP 21) | Richard BENNETT of Oxford | This bill allows candidates for the office of sheriff and for the office of district attorney to participate in the Maine Clean Election Act beginning with the 2028 election cycle. | VLA |
Monitor | Committee Docket: Voted - ONTP (3/10) | ||
An Act To Include The Declaration Of An Emergency By The President Of The United States As A Basis To Allow The Governor To Provide Disaster Relief To Local Governments (SP 31) | Anne BEEBE-CENTER of Knox | This bill includes the declaration of an emergency by the President of the United States as a basis to allow the Governor to provide disaster relief to local governments. | SLG |
Monitor | 02/26/25 10:00 AM in Cross Building, Room 214 - Public Hearing |
An Act Regarding Licensure Of Emergency Medical Services Persons (SP 44) | Scott CYRWAY of Kennebec | This bill amends the law governing the minimum requirements for licensing and relicensing of emergency medical services persons by removing the requirement that a person seeking licensing or relicensing must have successfully completed the practical evaluation of emergency medical treatment skills approved by the Emergency Full Summary |
Monitor | PASSED TO BE ENACTED. Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH. (3/11) | ||
An Act To Amend The Law Governing Dedimus Justices (SP 60) | Anne CARNEY of Cumberland | This bill amends the law governing dedimus justices in the following ways. 1. It sets the term of the dedimus justice's commission as a 7-year term. It exempts dedimus justices appointed prior to October 1, 2025 from the 7-year term provision. 2. It requires dedimus Full Summary |
Monitor | Committee Docket: Voted - OTP-AM (3/5) | ||
An Act To Amend The Laws Regarding Nuisance Dogs (SP 69) | Richard BENNETT of Oxford | This bill amends the definition of "nuisance dog" to include a dog or wolf hybrid that disturbs the peace of an individual by excessive barking, howling or yelping, and the individual is not trespassing on the dog or wolf hybrid owner's or keeper's premises at Full Summary |
Monitor | 02/06/25 9:00 AM in Cross Building, Room 214 - Public Hearing |
An Act To Amend The Freedom Of Access Act To Require A Specific Time Frame For Agencies To Comply With Requests For Public Records (HP 85) | Laurel LIBBY of Auburn | Under current law, the Freedom of Access Act requires that an agency or official having custody or control of a public record must comply with a request for public records made under the Act within a reasonable time. This bill amends the Act to require Full Summary |
Oppose | 02/05/25 9:30 AM in State House, Room 438 - Public Hearing |
2/3 Testimony Submitted |
An Act To Amend The Transportation Laws (HP 87) | Lydia CRAFTS of Newcastle | This bill extends rural road assistance funds under the Local Road Assistance Program for maintenance or capital improvements of roadway infrastructure, bridges and drainage structures to all rural state aid roads and all public roads that a municipality maintains. Under current law, certain rural state Full Summary |
Monitor | |||
An Act To Exempt Authorized Emergency Vehicles From Tolls When Operating In An Official Capacity (HP 97) | Mathew MCINTYRE of Lowell | This bill prohibits the Maine Turnpike Authority from charging or collecting tolls on an authorized emergency vehicle that is using the turnpike to respond to an emergency, for nonemergency medical transport or to travel to a repair facility that specializes in maintenance and repair for Full Summary |
Monitor | |||
An Act To Amend The Maine Bail Code To Eliminate The Class E Crime Of Violation Of Condition Of Release (HP 112) | David SINCLAIR of Bath | This bill repeals the provision of law that makes it a Class E crime for a criminal defendant who has been granted preconviction or post-conviction bail to violate any condition of release. It also repeals a cross-reference to this provision. The bill does not eliminate Full Summary |
Monitor | Committee Docket: Work Session Held - TABLED (3/5) | ||
An Act To Cap Publicly Owned Land Area At No More Than 50 Percent Of Any County (HP 116) | Billy Bob FAULKINGHAM of Winter Harbor | This bill limits publicly owned land in the State to no more than 50% of the land area in any county. The bill also allows the State, a county or a municipality to exceed the limits with the approval of 2/3 of each House of Full Summary |
02/06/25 9:00 AM in Cross Building, Room 214 - Public Hearing |
An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations And Allocations From The General Fund And Other Funds For The Expenditures Of State Government And To Change Certain Provisions Of The Law Necessary To The Proper Operations Of State Government For The Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2025 (HP 131) | Drew GATTINE of Westbrook | This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill, as emergency legislation, proposes to make supplemental appropriations and allocations from the General Fund and other funds for the expenditures of State Government and to change certain provisions of the law necessary Full Summary |
Monitor | This being an emergency measure, a two-thirds vote of all the members elected to the House was necessary.The House INSISTED on PASSAGE TO BE ENACTED.ROLL CALL NO. 20(Yeas 108 - Nays 29 - Absent 13 - Excused 0 - Restricted - 1)ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH. (3/11) | ||
An Act Making Unified Appropriations And Allocations From The General Fund And Other Funds For The Expenditures Of State Government And Changing Certain Provisions Of The Law Necessary To The Proper Operations Of State Government For The Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2025, June 30, 2026 And June 30, 2027 (HP 132) | Drew GATTINE of Westbrook | This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill, as emergency legislation, proposes to make unified appropriations and allocations from the General Fund and other funds for the expenditures of State Government and change certain provisions of the law necessary to Full Summary |
Monitor | 03/14/25 2:00 PM in State House, Room 228 - Work Session |
2/3 Testimony Submitted |
An Act To Provide Safe, Short-term Housing To Indigent Individuals Recently Released From Correctional Facilities (SP 110) | Rachel TALBOT ROSS of Cumberland | This bill directs the Department of Corrections to administer a program to provide transitional housing to recently released indigent clients of the Department of Corrections and establishes a fund to fund the program. This bill also directs the Maine State Housing Authority to study long-term Full Summary |
Monitor | Committee Docket: Voted - Divided Report (3/12) | ||
An Act To Implement The Recommendations Of The Blue Ribbon Commission To Study Emergency Medical Services In The State (SP 111) | Rachel TALBOT ROSS of Cumberland | This bill does the following. 1. It establishes a permanent Maine Emergency Medical Services Commission to monitor and evaluate the State's emergency medical services system on a continuing basis and to provide recommendations to the appropriate state agencies and to the Legislature regarding necessary changes Full Summary |
TBD | 02/10/25 10:30 AM in State House, Room 436 - Public Hearing |
An Act Regarding Recommendations For Changing Place Names In The State (SP 113) | Rachel TALBOT ROSS of Cumberland | This bill establishes the Maine Board on Place Names as an advisory board and it requires the board to establish policies and procedures for naming and renaming places. It requires the Maine Board on Place Names to serve as a consultant to the state employee Full Summary |
Monitor | Committee Docket: Voted - Divided Report (2/12) | ||
An Act To Allow County Commissioners Greater Flexibility When Establishing A Payment Schedule For Municipalities To Pay County Tax Bills (HP 186) | William BRIDGEO of Augusta | This bill amends the law governing the date of payment for a county tax bill by municipalities. The bill allows county commissioners to establish quarterly, biannual or other due dates by which a specific portion of the total tax amount must be paid. | SLG |
Support | 02/24/25 10:00 AM in Cross Building, Room 214 - Public Hearing |
2/24 Testimony submitted on 2/24 |
An Act To Employ Mental Health Personnel Within The Maine State Police (HP 198) | Joseph UNDERWOOD of Presque Isle | This bill creates 3 Behavioral Health Coordinator positions assigned to the state police Southern Field Troop, Central Field Troop and Troop F responsible for making decisions about the health, safety and welfare of persons in the community who have interacted with law enforcement professionals and Full Summary |
NFNA | 03/10/25 1:00 PM in State House, Room 436 - Public Hearing |
3/10 Testimony submitted. |
An Act To Stabilize Rural Maine Emergency Medical Services Departments (HP 206) | Nathan WADSWORTH of Hiram | This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to amend the laws in order to stabilize rural Maine's emergency medical services departments. | CJPS |
An Act Regarding Energy, Utilities And Technology (HP 207) | Melanie SACHS of Freeport | This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to update certain laws regarding energy, utilities and technology. | EUT |
An Act To Allow A Political Party To Determine How That Party's Nominee Is Selected In A Primary Election (HP 209) | David BOYER of Poland | This bill allows a political party, during the state convention held by each party between March 1st and August 1st biennially during each general election year, to determine if the party's primary election to be held for the general election following the next general election Full Summary |
Committee Docket: Work Session Held (2/24) | |||
Resolution, Proposing An Amendment To The Constitution Of Maine To Create Equity In State Senate Representation (HP 216) | Richard CAMPBELL of Orrington | This resolution proposes to amend the Constitution of Maine to reduce the size of the Senate from no more than 35 members to 32 members as a result of reapportioning to 2 Senators per county. The resolution also requires the redrawing of district lines in Full Summary |
Monitor | 02/26/25 10:00 AM in Cross Building, Room 214 - Public Hearing |
An Act Regarding County Jails (HP 233) | Nina MILLIKEN of Blue Hill | This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to amend the laws governing county jails. | CJPS |
Monitor | |||
An Act Regarding County Jail Funding (HP 234) | Nina MILLIKEN of Blue Hill | This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to amend the laws governing county jail funding. | CJPS |
Monitor | |||
An Act Regarding Speedy Trials (HP 240) | Matt MOONEN of Portland | This bill establishes the Maine Speedy Trial Act. The Act establishes different time limits for the commencement of a defendant's criminal trial depending on when the complaint, indictment or information was filed and what class of crime the defendant is charged with. The Act also Full Summary |
Monitor | 03/03/25 1:00 PM in State House, Room 438 - Public Hearing |
An Act To Improve Criminal Justice And Public Safety (SP 137) | Anne BEEBE-CENTER of Knox | This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to update the laws to improve criminal justice and public safety. | CJPS |
Monitor | |||
An Act To Increase Fees Paid To Registers Of Deeds (SP 144) | Richard BENNETT of Oxford | This bill increases fees paid to a county register of deeds for certain services. It implements a flat fee of $45 for receiving, recording and indexing instruments that do not already have a specific fee set forth in statute and changes the fee for recording, Full Summary |
Support | 02/24/25 10:00 AM in Cross Building, Room 214 - Public Hearing |
2/24 Testimony submitted on 2/24 |
An Act To Define "solitary Confinement" For The Laws Governing Jails And Correctional Facilities (HP 259) | Grayson LOOKNER of Portland | This bill defines "solitary confinement" as the isolation of a client from the general population of the jail or correctional facility where the client is detained by confinement in a cell or other place for 22 hours or more within a 24-hour period. | CJPS |
Monitor | 2/10 Check with MSA regarding position |
An Act To Repeal The Laws Providing For Paid Family And Medical Leave And To Reimburse Taxpayers (HP 260) | Joshua MORRIS of Turner | This bill repeals the provisions of law related to the paid family and medical leave benefits program. The bill requires the Department of Labor to refund contributions made by employers and self-employed individuals to the Department of Labor under the paid family and medical leave Full Summary |
Monitor | |||
An Act To Allow Municipalities To Limit Nonprofit Property Tax Exemptions (HP 292) | Benjamin HYMES of Waldo | This bill provides a municipality the power to limit the amount of a property tax exemption given to a nonprofit institution or organization when the municipality determines by vote that such an exemption would be detrimental to the residents of that municipality. | TAX |
Monitor | |||
An Act To Authorize A Court To Conditionally Discharge Certain Criminal Defendants (HP 303) | David SINCLAIR of Bath | This bill authorizes a court to enter an order of conditional discharge suspending all of a defendant's pending criminal proceedings for a period of up to 6 months, during which time the defendant must refrain from engaging in criminal conduct and must abide by certain Full Summary |
Monitor | Committee Docket: Work Session Held - TABLED (3/11) | 2/10 Check with MSA regardign position |
An Act To Improve Public Defense Services (SP 189) | Anne CARNEY of Cumberland | This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to amend the laws related to the expansion of public defense services in the State and the Maine Commission on Public Defense Services. | JUD |
Monitor | |||
An Act To Improve Court Procedure And Update Family Law (SP 191) | Anne CARNEY of Cumberland | This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to amend the laws governing civil and criminal court procedure and to update the laws governing family law matters. | JUD |
Monitor | |||
An Act To Fund Rural Patrol Services In Washington County (SP 194) | Marianne MOORE of Washington | This bill provides funding for 4 Maine State Trooper positions and related All Other to conduct rural patrols in Washington County. | CJPS |
Support | Committee Docket: Voted - Divided Report (3/5) | 2/10 Support funding MSP coverage with all counties who need
2/24 Testimony submitted on 2/24 |
An Act To Enhance Public Safety In Rural Counties By Providing State Police Patrol And Policing Services (HP 306) | John DUCHARME of Madison | This bill provides funding for 15 State Trooper positions, 9 State Police Corporal positions and related All Other to enhance public safety in rural counties of the State and to support county sheriff department efforts. | CJPS |
Support | Committee Docket: Voted - Divided Report (3/5) | 2/10 Same comment as 461
2/24 Testimony submitted on 2/24 |
An Act Regarding The Department Of Public Safety (HP 313) | Tavis HASENFUS of Readfield | This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to update the laws regarding the Department of Public Safety. | CJPS |
An Act Regarding Criminal Justice (HP 314) | Tavis HASENFUS of Readfield | This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to update the laws regarding criminal justice. | CJPS |
An Act To Provide For A 5-year Automatic Repeal Of Agency Rules (HP 319) | Katrina SMITH of Palermo | This bill amends the Maine Administrative Procedure Act to provide that any agency rule that is finally adopted or an amendment to which is finally adopted in accordance with the requirements of that Act after January 1, 2026 is automatically repealed 5 years from the Full Summary |
Monitor | 02/24/25 10:00 AM in Cross Building, Room 214 - Public Hearing |
An Act To Update Processes And Fees In The Probate Court System (SP 223) | Anne CARNEY of Cumberland | This bill makes the following changes to the Maine Uniform Probate Code. 1. It increases certain filing fees throughout the Code and provides that, after 2025, these fees must automatically be adjusted for inflation. 2. It requires any party that files a petition, motion or Full Summary |
03/14/25 1:00 PM in State House, Room 438 - Work Session |
An Act Regarding Dams (HP 348) | Nina MILLIKEN of Blue Hill | This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to amend the laws governing dams. | ENR |
An Act Regarding Dam Ownership (HP 350) | Nina MILLIKEN of Blue Hill | ENR |
An Act To Repeal The Paid Family And Medical Leave Benefits Program (HP 358) | Shelley RUDNICKI of Fairfield | This bill repeals the provisions of law related to the paid family and medical leave benefits program. The bill requires the Department of Labor to refund contributions made by employers and self-employed individuals to the Department of Labor under the paid family and medical leave Full Summary |
An Act To Establish A Statewide Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Kit Tracking System And Update Certain Requirements Regarding Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Kits (SP 199) | Richard BENNETT of Oxford | This bill directs the Department of Public Safety to establish, operate and maintain a sexual assault forensic examination kit tracking system. The system must provide relevant information for victims, both those who choose to report to a law enforcement agency and those who choose not Full Summary |
Committee Docket: Voted - OTP-AM (3/5) | |||
An Act To Allow All-terrain Vehicles To Be Used On A Public Way (SP 231) | Marianne MOORE of Washington | This bill, beginning January 1, 2026, allows the operation of an all-terrain vehicle, or ATV, on a public way as long as the ATV is registered and meets specified safety equipment requirements, and the operator is licensed and has insurance. The bill requires the payment Full Summary |
An Act To Ensure Equitable Access To The Paid Family And Medical Leave Benefits Program By Removing The Requirement That Leave Must Be Scheduled To Prevent Undue Hardship On The Employer (SP 256) | Michael TIPPING of Penobscot | This bill amends the law governing paid family and medical leave to remove the provision that the leave must be scheduled to prevent undue hardship on the employer. | LAH |
Oppose | |||
An Act To Support Informed Community Self-determination In Emergency Medical Services Planning (SP 266) | Glenn CURRY of Waldo | This bill provides ongoing appropriations for the Maine Emergency Medical Services Community Grant Program. | CJPS |
Support | 03/03/25 10:30 AM in State House, Room 436 - Public Hearing |
3/10 Testimony submitted. |
An Act To Explicitly Allow The Department Of Corrections To Charge Room And Board To Residents Who Perform Remote Work In Detention And Correctional Facilities And To Amend The Laws Governing Rehabilitative Programs (HP 394) | Robert NUTTING of Oakland | This bill explicitly allows the Commissioner of Corrections to charge room and board to residents who perform remote work in a facility under the commissioner's control and amends the laws governing rehabilitative programs to add references to education release, public service release and remote work. | CJPS |
Monitor | Committee Docket: Voted - ANT.DIV. REP. (3/12) | ||
An Act To Improve Training Opportunities For Law Enforcement Officers (HP 407) | W. CROCKETT of Portland | This bill removes the requirement that the structured law enforcement training program provided by the Board of Trustees of the Maine Criminal Justice Academy must be a residential law enforcement training program. | CJPS |
Monitor | 03/10/25 10:30 AM in State House, Room 436 - Public Hearing |
An Act Regarding Telephone And Video Call Access In Detention And Correctional Facilities And Jails (HP 415) | Nina MILLIKEN of Blue Hill | This bill amends the laws governing telephone services for residents of detention and correctional facilities and jails to include video call services. For a detention or correctional facility administered by the Department of Corrections, it requires the department to provide a resident a telephone and Full Summary |
NFNA | |||
An Act To Increase Support For Statewide Emergency Broadcast Messaging (SP 309) | Teresa PIERCE of Cumberland | This bill provides additional ongoing funds to align state funding more closely with the statutory requirement to provide emergency broadcast messaging for public safety. | EDU |
Monitor | |||
An Act Regarding The Laws Of The State Of Maine (SP 312) | Teresa PIERCE of Cumberland | This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to make changes regarding the laws of the State. | SLG |
Monitor | |||
An Act Providing Appropriations And Allocations For State Government Operations (SP 316) | Margaret ROTUNDO of Androscoggin | This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to provide appropriations and allocations necessary for the operation of State Government. | AFA |
Monitor | |||
An Act To Provide Appropriations And Allocations For The Operations Of State Government (HP 444) | Drew GATTINE of Westbrook | This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to provide for appropriations and allocations for the operation of State Government. | AFA |
Monitor | |||
An Act To Amend The Share Of State Funding For The County Jail Operations Fund (HP 458) | Suzanne SALISBURY of Westbrook | This bill provides that state funding for the County Jail Operations Fund must be appropriated annually in an amount equal to 35% of the total cost of operations for county jails and the regional jail as necessary to meet the standards for county jails as Full Summary |
Support | 03/03/25 1:00 PM in State House, Room 436 - Public Hearing |
3/10 Testimony submitted. |
An Act To Fund An Administrative Structure Of An Emergency Medical Services Education Program In The Community College System (HP 461) | Suzanne SALISBURY of Westbrook | This bill provides ongoing funds to establish and maintain an emergency medical services education administrative structure as required by Department of Public Safety, Maine Emergency Medical Services rules and external accreditation standards. | EDU |
Support | 03/17/25 10:00 AM in Cross Building, Room 208 - Public Hearing |
An Act Requiring The Maine Criminal Justice Academy To Develop A Nonresidential Basic Law Enforcement Training Program (HP 462) | Michel LAJOIE of Lewiston | This bill requires the Board of Trustees of the Maine Criminal Justice Academy to provide a nonresidential law enforcement training program beginning July 1, 2027. | CJPS |
Monitor | 03/10/25 10:30 AM in State House, Room 436 - Public Hearing |
An Act To Protect Municipalities' Investment In Law Enforcement Officers (HP 465) | David BOYER of Poland | Current law requires that when a governmental entity hires a full-time law enforcement officer within 5 years of the officer's graduation from the Maine Criminal Justice Academy or the Indian police academy at the federal law enforcement training center, and that officer's training had been Full Summary |
Monitor | 03/10/25 1:00 PM in State House, Room 436 - Public Hearing |
An Act To Reimburse The City Of Ellsworth For An Access Road To A New Court Facility In Hancock County (HP 481) | Russell WHITE of Ellsworth | This bill provides a one-time General Fund appropriation to reimburse the City of Ellsworth for 50% of the costs incurred in building an access road to the property on which the city is working with the judicial branch to build a new courthouse for Hancock Full Summary |
Committee Docket: Work Session Held - TABLED (3/11) | |||
An Act To Fund State Government (SP 338) | Margaret ROTUNDO of Androscoggin | This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to make appropriations and allocations necessary to fund State Government. | AFA |
An Act To Provide For Appropriations And Allocations (SP 339) | Margaret ROTUNDO of Androscoggin | This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to provide for appropriations and allocations. | AFA |
An Act To Require Health Insurance Coverage For Specialized Risk Screening For First Responders (SP 343) | Donna BAILEY of York | For policies issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2027, this bill prohibits a health insurance carrier from denying coverage to an enrollee who is a first responder for specialized risk screening recommended by a health care provider. It limits the ability of a Full Summary |
03/13/25 1:00 PM in Cross Building, Room 220 - Public Hearing |
An Act To Promote Public Safety And Retain Essential First Responders By Funding The Maine Length Of Service Award Program (SP 346) | Glenn CURRY of Waldo | This bill provides ongoing funding for the Maine Length of Service Award Program to provide length of service awards to eligible volunteer firefighters and emergency medical services personnel. | CJPS |
An Act To Encourage Election Involvement By Making Election Day A State Holiday In Even-numbered Years (HP 511) | Donald ARDELL of Monticello | This bill designates the day of the general election, which is the day of the regular election of state and county officials occurring biennially in November, as a state holiday. | SLG |
NFNA | |||
An Act To Expand The Earned Paid Leave Exception (SP 365) | Richard BRADSTREET of Kennebec | This bill exempts employers that provide employees with 80 or more hours of paid leave during the calendar year from the laws governing earned paid leave. | LAH |
03/19/25 10:00 AM in Cross Building, Room 202 - Public Hearing |
An Act Regarding The Retired County And Municipal Law Enforcement Officers And Municipal Firefighters Health Insurance Program (HP 534) | Rachel HENDERSON of Rumford | This bill provides that a county or municipal law enforcement officer or a municipal firefighter who is employed in the position of a county or municipal law enforcement officer or a municipal firefighter and who previously elected not to enroll in the Retired County and Full Summary |
NFNA | 03/18/25 1:00 PM in Cross Building, Room 202 - Public Hearing |
An Act To Reduce The Property Tax Burden By Adequately Funding County Jail Operations (HP 538) | John DUCHARME of Madison | This bill amends the laws governing the operation of county jails as follows. 1. It amends the County Jail Operations Fund to provide that, beginning July 1, 2025 and prior to July 1, 2026, state funding must be appropriated annually for the fund in the Full Summary |
Support | |||
An Act Regarding The Membership Of The Maine Land Use Planning Commission (HP 556) | William BRIDGEO of Augusta | This bill amends the membership of the Maine Land Use Planning Commission by increasing the number of members from 9 to 13, with the Governor appointing the additional members. The bill also adds qualifications to be considered by the Governor and boards of county commissioners Full Summary |
Oppose | 03/20/25 1:00 PM in Cross Building, Room 214 - Public Hearing |
An Act To Amend The Laws Governing Paid Family And Medical Leave (SP 383) | President Matthea DAUGHTRY of Cumberland | This bill amends the laws governing paid family and medical leave as follows. 1. It clarifies that intermittent leave of an employee of less than one work day may not be taken unless it is agreed to by the employee and the employer. 2. It Full Summary |
Oppose | |||
An Act To Modernize Deed Duplication From Microfilm To A Digital Image (HP 580) | Suzanne SALISBURY of Westbrook | This bill requires a register of deeds to make a record of an instrument recorded in the registry office in the form of a digital image stored on magnetic or optical media, not on microfilm as in current law. | SLG |
Oppose | |||
An Act To Maintain Public Access To Town Ways In Maine (HP 593) | James WHITE of Guilford | This bill provides that if the municipal officers or county commissioners have declared a town way discontinued by abandonment and have retained a public easement in the abandoned town way under this section for at least 15 years, the municipality, county commissioners or an abutter Full Summary |
An Act To Amend The Law Allowing Incarcerated Pretrial Or Presentence Individuals To Be Credited Time For Participation In Voluntary Work Projects In A Jail (HP 596) | Dani O'HALLORAN of Brewer | This bill allows an inmate who is detained at a county or regional jail pretrial or presentence to voluntarily participate in a public works-related project or in the improvement of property owned by a charitable organization. Such an inmate may have the inmate's sentence to Full Summary |
An Act Requiring Employers To Disclose Wage Ranges In Job Postings (HP 606) | Marshall ARCHER of Saco | This bill requires an employer that employs 10 or more employees to include a wage range in any job posting for a position of employment in the State. An employer acting in good faith may pay an employee a wage different than the wage range Full Summary |
An Act To Require The Automatic Repealing Of Agency Rules (HP 624) | Laurel LIBBY of Auburn | This bill amends the Maine Administrative Procedure Act to provide that any agency rule that is finally adopted or an amendment to which is finally adopted in accordance with the requirements of that Act after January 1, 2026 is automatically repealed 5 years from the Full Summary |