Maine Adult Education Association Legislative Tracker
132nd Maine Legislature - First Regular Session
Saturday, February 22, 2025 7:19 AM

An Act Regarding Special Education Funding (HP 35) Kristi MATHIESON of Kittery This bill provides that, beginning in fiscal year 2025-26, the minimum state share of a school administrative unit's special education costs under the essential programs and services school funding formula must be 55%. EDU
02/26/25 10:00 AM in Cross Building, Room 208 - Public Hearing
An Act To Implement The Recommendations Of The Commission Regarding Foreign-trained Physicians Living In Maine To Establish A Sponsorship Program For Internationally Trained Physicians (HP 70) Kristi MATHIESON of Kittery This bill establishes a sponsorship program within the Finance Authority of Maine to make grants to sponsoring institutions to provide an alternative license pathway for internationally trained physicians in the State and to expand the number of physicians practicing in areas in the State experiencing

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Committee Docket: Voted - Divided Report (2/12)
An Act To Modify The Calculation Of Pupil Counts Used For Determination Of School Administrative Unit Operating Costs (HP 114) William TUELL of East Machias This bill amends the calculation of the pupil count used for determination of operating costs for school administrative units to provide that, beginning in fiscal year 2026-27, the pupil count includes the greater of the average of the pupil counts for October 1st of the

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02/26/25 10:00 AM in Cross Building, Room 208 - Public Hearing
An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations And Allocations From The General Fund And Other Funds For The Expenditures Of State Government And To Change Certain Provisions Of The Law Necessary To The Proper Operations Of State Government For The Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2025 (HP 131) Drew GATTINE of Westbrook This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill, as emergency legislation, proposes to make supplemental appropriations and allocations from the General Fund and other funds for the expenditures of State Government and to change certain provisions of the law necessary

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Report READ and ACCEPTED Roll Call Ordered Roll Call Number 23 Yeas 20 - Nays 14 - Excused 1 - Absent 0 PREVAILED READ ONCE Motion by Senator STEWART of Aroostook for Bill and accompanying papers COMMITTED to the Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs FAILED Roll Call Ordered Roll Call Number 24 Yeas 14 - Nays 20 - Excused 1 - Absent 0 On motion by Senator MOORE of Washington Senate Amendment "A" (S-1) to Committee Amendment "A" (H-1) READ Motion by Senator ROTUNDO of Androscoggin Senate Amendment "A" (S-1) to Committee Amendment "A" (H-1) to INDEFINITELY POSTPONE FAILED Roll Call Ordered Roll Call Number 25 Yeas 16 - Nays 18 - Excused 1 - Absent 0 On motion by Senator PIERCE of Cumberland Tabled until Later in Today's Session, pending adoption of Senate Amendment "A" (S-1) to Committee Amendment "A" (H-1) Taken from the table by the President Motion by Senator MOORE of Washington ADOPTION of Senate Amendment "A" (S-1) to Committee Amendment "A" (H-1) FAILED Roll Call Ordered Roll Call Number 26 Yeas 16 - Nays 18 - Excused 1 - Absent 0 On motion by Senator MARTIN of Oxford Senate Amendment "B" (S-2) Committee Amendment "A" (H-1) On motion by Senator ROTUNDO of Androscoggin to INDEFINITELY POSTPONE Senate Amendment "B" (S-2) to Committee Amendment "A" (H-1) PREVAILED Roll Call Ordered Roll Call Number 27 Yeas 20 - Nays 14 - Excused 1 - Absent 0 On motion by Senator STEWART of Aroostook Senate Amendment "C" (S-3) to Committee Amendment "A" (H-1) On motion by Senator ROTUNDO of Androscoggin to INDEFINITELY POSTPONE Senate Amendment "C" (S-3) to Committee Amendment "A" (H-1) PREVAILED Roll Call Ordered Roll Call Number 28 Yeas 20 - Nays 14 - Excused 1 - Absent 0 On motion by Senator STEWART of Aroostook Senate Amendment "D" (S-4) to Committee Amendment "A" (H-1) On motion by Senator ROTUNDO of Androscoggin to INDEFINITELY POSTPONE Senate Amendment "D" (S-4) to Committee Amendment "A" (H-1) PREVAILED Roll Call Ordered Roll Call Number 29 Yeas 21 - Nays 13 - Excused 1 - Absent 0 On motion by Senator STEWART of Aroostook Senate Amendment "E" (S-5) to Committee Amendment "A" (H-1) On motion by Senator ROTUNDO of Androscoggin to INDEFINITELY POSTPONE Senate Amendment "E" (S-5) to Committee Amendment "A" (H-1) PREVAILED Roll Call Ordered Roll Call Number 30 Yeas 20 - Nays 14 - Excused 1 - Absent 0 Committee Amendment "A" (H-1) READ and ADOPTED PREVAILED Roll Call Ordered Roll Call Number 31 Yeas 20 - Nays 14 - Excused 1 - Absent 0 Under suspension of the Rules, READ A SECOND TIME and PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED by Committee Amendment "A" (H-1) in concurrence (2/11)
An Act Making Unified Appropriations And Allocations From The General Fund And Other Funds For The Expenditures Of State Government And Changing Certain Provisions Of The Law Necessary To The Proper Operations Of State Government For The Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2025, June 30, 2026 And June 30, 2027 (HP 132) Drew GATTINE of Westbrook This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill, as emergency legislation, proposes to make unified appropriations and allocations from the General Fund and other funds for the expenditures of State Government and change certain provisions of the law necessary to

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02/24/25 10:00 AM in State House, Room 228 - Joint AFA & HHS
02/24/25 2:00 PM in State House, Room 228 - Joint AFA & HHS
02/26/25 10:00 AM in State House, Room 228 - Joint AFA & MAR
02/26/25 11:00 AM in State House, Room 228 - Joint AFA & HCIFS
02/26/25 1:00 PM in State House, Room 228 - Joint AFA & IFW
02/27/25 10:00 AM in State House, Room 228 - Joint AFA & ACF
02/27/25 1:00 PM in State House, Room 228 - Joint AFA & VLA
02/27/25 3:00 PM in State House, Room 228 - Joint AFA & EUT
02/28/25 10:00 AM in State House, Room 228 - Joint AFA & SLG
02/28/25 3:00 PM in State House, Room 228 - Joint AFA & TRA
An Act To Add A Personal Finance Course To The State Graduation Requirements In High Schools (HP 215) W. CROCKETT of Portland This bill requires that all secondary schools include one year of personal finance as part of the mathematics instruction required to obtain a high school diploma. It changes the minimum requirement for a high school diploma from 2 years of mathematics or the equivalent in

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02/27/25 10:00 AM in Cross Building, Room 208 - Public Hearing
An Act To Increase Reading Proficiency In Public Schools (HP 224) Michael BRENNAN of Portland This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to address strategies to increase students' reading proficiency in public schools, especially by the time students have reached the end of 3rd grade. EDU
An Act Supporting The Dirigo Reads Literacy Program (SP 151) Joseph BALDACCI of Penobscot This bill provides one-time funds in fiscal year 2025-26 and fiscal year 2026-27 only to support the Dirigo Reads literacy program. EDU
02/27/25 10:00 AM in Cross Building, Room 208 - Public Hearing
An Act To Grant Or Extend Conditional Teaching Certificates Under Certain Circumstances (SP 161) James LIBBY of Cumberland This bill allows the Commissioner of Education to grant an extension of a conditional teaching certificate in the case of extenuating circumstances. The request for an extension must be accompanied by supporting documentation of the circumstances. The bill also allows the commissioner to issue a

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An Act To Raise The Minimum State Standard For Mathematics Education For A High School Diploma (SP 162) James LIBBY of Cumberland This bill changes the minimum state standard for mathematics education for a high school diploma from 2 years of mathematics instruction to 3 years of mathematics instruction. The bill requires the Department of Education to provide the necessary funding from department funds to carry out

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02/27/25 10:00 AM in Cross Building, Room 208 - Public Hearing
An Act Regarding Driver Education (HP 300) Tiffany ROBERTS of South Berwick This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to enact measures regarding driver education. TRA
Resolve, To Establish A Pilot Program To Expand Intensive English Language Learner Programs (SP 210) Joseph RAFFERTY of York This bill requires the Department of Education, the Department of Labor and the University of Maine System to establish a 2-year pilot program to expand the intensive English language learner programs at the University of Maine and the University of Southern Maine. The pilot program

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03/03/25 10:00 AM in Cross Building, Room 208 - Public Hearing
An Act To Provide For A 5-year Automatic Repeal Of Agency Rules (HP 319) Katrina SMITH of Palermo This bill amends the Maine Administrative Procedure Act to provide that any agency rule that is finally adopted or an amendment to which is finally adopted in accordance with the requirements of that Act after January 1, 2026 is automatically repealed 5 years from the

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02/24/25 10:00 AM in Cross Building, Room 214 - Public Hearing
An Act Regarding Eligibility To Apply For A Department Of Education Diploma (HP 396) Michael BRENNAN of Portland This bill provides that a student is eligible to apply for a Department of Education diploma if that student is a 4th year secondary school student and is unable to satisfy the requirements for a diploma from a school administrative unit because of a significant

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An Act To Allow Teachers To Qualify For Overtime Pay (HP 421) Amy ROEDER of Bangor This bill provides that an employee whose primary duty consists of work as a teacher in the activity of imparting knowledge is not exempt from the laws governing minimum wage and overtime. LAH
An Act Regarding The Laws Of The State Of Maine (SP 312) Teresa PIERCE of Cumberland This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to make changes regarding the laws of the State. SLG
An Act To Bolster The Maine Teacher Residency Program (SP 313) Teresa PIERCE of Cumberland This bill provides one-time funds to support the Maine Teacher Residency Program at the University of Southern Maine. EDU
An Act Providing Appropriations And Allocations For State Government Operations (SP 316) Margaret ROTUNDO of Androscoggin This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to provide appropriations and allocations necessary for the operation of State Government. AFA
An Act To Provide Appropriations And Allocations For The Operations Of State Government (HP 444) Drew GATTINE of Westbrook This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to provide for appropriations and allocations for the operation of State Government. AFA
Resolve, Regarding Legislative Review Of Portions Of Chapter 132: Learning Results: Parameters For Essential Instruction, A Major Substantive Rule Of The Department Of Education (HP 469) This resolve provides for legislative review of portions of Chapter 132: Learning Results: Parameters for Essential Instruction, a major substantive rule of the Department of Education. EDU